Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Day in My Life

Ever wonder what a person's day is like? I do. 
Here are some of the highlights of my "today."

Wake up at Boston's house and take care of him. Pick up Ella & Batik and take them on an outing. Head to work with my Dad putting in a DogWatch installation. Put in a ton of wire and conduit on the edge of the mountainside for four hours. Stop for a quick snack-super yummy! Finish up one of the last trenches and put our control panel together. Babysit this cutie for five hours. Head home to make sure Banyan gets settled in ok; he is staying for a week. Head back to Boston's to spend the night and give him tons of love.

What is a typical day like for you?

1 comment:

  1. Not sure which is cuter, the little girl you babysit or all the dogs!!! ;)
