Casey and Penny in the kitchen

running around in her backpack :)

ready to go pick pine nuts and go scoofin'!

we went scoofin' through the forest

cutting fence posts on the chop saw!

getting really dirty

making our mark

our names! 9-11-10

making cement!

We rode our bikes down to the lake

the lake at sunset

First bite of Mono Cone!

new window!

We cleaned the side of the house

Supervising the job

Penny loved running up and down the hills...

...and crawling through bushes...

...and playing in the backyard

taking out the pergola

digging the hole for a fence post

the supervisor

building the fence

Casey and Nikki

Penny loved the fountain!

Playing croquet

At Hess Park

She learned to drink from a water bottle

Riding around with Penny

Mono Lake!

Running around the lake

Putting her feet in Mono Lake

Stopping for lunch

Going hiking

Happy girl with her head out the window :)

I caught a snake!

Casey and Papa
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