Today my Dad and I didn't have any DogWatch installations to do, so us girls took a road trip back into the white rock area of Paradise Rd. We headed up Trader Joes first for picnic essentials and then drove over in the late morning. It started to rain on our way over but it was not cold at all.
This beautiful spot was one of our hang out areas. Mandy loved swimming across the entire pool. Penny liked to race around the edges and jump on Mandy when she got out of the water.
We stopped to enjoy our picnic goods and then let the dogs swim and get super dirty again.
It rained about 70% of the time we were there, but it was fun hiking in the rain and watching the ripples in the water.
Mandy was the best stick-fetcher around!
I saved this little guy from certain death on the way out. He was laying in the road right where the tires of a car would have hit him. I jumped out and scooped him up RIGHT before the next car came. That was a close one!