After blueberry pancakes for breakfast, we took all the dogs on a walk.
Then we drove up to Lompoc so Kori and Robby could go skydiving with my grandpa for her 18th birthday!
After skydiving, we went out to dinner and then came back to the house for homemade cake and an episode of Castle to finish the night. What an awesome day! I'm so glad I could be there to celebrate!
A few days after Robby and Kori visited us in Georgia, we packed up the car and drove all the way across the country again. We kept our move back to CA a secret from my entire family and surprised them by walking in the door the day before Kori's 18th birthday!
We had a good drive, all packed up in Goldie, although her thermostat broke in Oklahoma and we had to get towed and spend two nights there.
We got to spend the night in Flagstaff, AZ and really liked it. We explored several parks and loved the beautiful mountains.
I had it planned for us to skype with my family at the same time we were actually arriving home. So my family is sitting around the computer, calling me on skype, when all of the sudden, we walk through the door! They were SOOOOO shocked! Man, it was hard to keep that secret!
We plan to stay in Santa Barbara through December while Casey renews his EMT certification. Then we plan to move to Oregon or Colorado.
My brother and sister flew to Atlanta to visit us for 4 days! Here are the daily videos of our adventures! Click the YouTube icon below each video to watch it on YouTube. Change it from 480p to 720p for the best quality.
Special thank you to my mom and dad for flying them out here and giving us the opportunity to have an amazing week all together! It was SO much fun-a truly unforgettable trip!
Sorry we haven't been posting very often lately, we just have not been up to a whole lot. I have been busy babysitting and painting all the time and Casey has been busy with all of his med school apps and volunteering at ARCA (the AIDS Research Consortium of Atlanta). Penny has been busy going to the eye doctor to get all of the sharp hairs growing from under her eyelid out. She did have a corneal ulcer at one point and had to go on meds, but she is doing much better now! We all can't wait for Robby and Kori to visit! We pick them up early tomorrow morning from the airport!