Casey's mother found this cutie dodging cars on a busy street in the same neighborhood where she just bought a house and where we are all moving to next month. He was attacked by something and had cuts all over one of his back legs. She got him in the car and out of danger but he was not wearing a collar. When she brought him home that night, we cleaned his leg up and fed him dinner. Penny was excited to be around another dog and kept doing her crazy run everywhere.
First thing the next morning, we took him to the vet so they could scan for a microchip, but he did not have one. They gave him some pain meds for his leg and he started to walk on it much better. Casey and I put up fliers for a found dog all over the area where he was found and put an ad on craigslist in hopes of returning him to his owners. We took him to the animal shelter the next day thinking if someone was looking for him, they would surely find him there. No one has contacted us and he stayed his required 7 days in the shelter. Casey's mother fell in love with him and decided to adopt him. He is a 12 pound, 2-year-old, min-pin mix.
We are getting him neutered tomorrow morning and he is already getting spoiled with tons of new doggie stuff :)
Don't worry, Penny is still the Queen ;)

Picking him up from the shelter!
Penny was a little excited when he first got here